Integrated and complete solution

Software de gestión automatizada específico para empresas de traducción

Gespoint Translator is a powerful integrated management system (ERP) that controls all the processes of a translation company

Translation projects
Interpretation projects
Translators´ outsourcing
Sales and purchase invoicing
Payments and receivables
Presentación de impuestos
ISO quality
Commercial management (CRM)
Intranet for clients and vendors


Find out the unique features of Gespoint Translator

Gespoint Translator includes all the necessary to manage a translation company in the same program

Quotes and projects

Complete management of translation and interpretation multi-language quotes and projects

Integrated invoicing

Invoice automatically or massively all the outsourced projects or jobs.

Payments and receivables

Easily manage your payments and receivables and SEPA remittances, cash flow forecasting and non-payment control

Automatic accounting

The accounting entries, balance sheets, account statement, accounting journals, etc. are created directly by the program.

Integrated files management

Attach directly the source files, the target files, the glossary files, etc. to the projects and orders.

Web access

The Intranet allows your clients, vendors and employees to access the program with a browser.


You can create quotes and projects in different currencies for the client and external vendors.


Gespoint Autopilot automates all the company´s processes, it reduces errors, and increases productivity.

ISO quality

The quality module automates all the data and processes needed for the ISO certification of the company

Tax returns

Gespoint Translator automatically calculates the necessary information to prepare model 303, 347, 349, 130, 190, SII, etc.

Regulatory compliance

Gespoint Translator complies with the mandatory regulations as GDPR, Electronic invoice, Anti-fraud Law, TicketBAI, etc.

Commercial management

The CRM module organizes all the commercial activity, the relation with clients and potential clients, and manages the complaints for the ISO.

Increase the efficiency and profitability of your translation company by automating all your processes